Available for Adoption

Available for Adoption: Rutland, VT

Available for Adoption: Rutland, VT

Sweet, cuddly senior mouser looking to be showered with love and affection.

Tessa: September 24th, 2019 – Two days after coming into foster care.

Tessa has been the sweetest snuggle bug from day one. Tessa has endless love to give and is never happier than when she is getting all the love.

Tessa: December 31, 2019

Tessa loves her new (human) roommate. She is so happy to have a human to herself. I saw her tonight through the open door and she wouldn’t even come say hi. She was just hanging out on the heating grate- completely content.

Foster mom, December 30, 2019

Tessa came to us from a situation where she could not be properly cared for. Her human parent loved her and wanted what was best for her, so she was surrendered to us. We quickly realized that she has FIV, an auto-immune disease similar to HIV. It is not transmittable to humans, but can be to other cats through fighting, breeding, and birth. Cats with FIV can and do live long and happy lives. It is unknown how long Tessa has had FIV.

Info on FIV in cats:

Did you know Marmalade from Cole and Marmalade has FIV? Here is a basic overview of cats with FIV from Cat Man Chris on YouTube.

FIV Cat Rescue has additional detailed information.


She is a senior girl, probably around 10 years old, and she doesn’t have any teeth. Having no teeth doesn’t slow this girl down though! She eats like a champ and has turned into a plump, happy lap cat while in our care. She even caught a mouse for her foster humans! She has a chronic upper respiratory issue that causes lots of sneezing, but other than that, she is healthy.

This sweet girl wants nothing more than her very own forever humans. Due to her chronic respiratory issues, and compromised immune system it would be best for her to be an only kitty.

Tessa – Lovebug extraordinaire!

Tessa tested negative (good) for FeLV and Heartworm, and positive for FIV. She has received a 1-year Rabies vaccine and up to date on her FVRCP. She has been treated for fleas and ear mites, and had an NPS (good) fecal exam. She now sports her very own microchip too! We don’t have any information on how she is with dogs, but we think she is suited for families with children.

Tessa is looking for a Forever Family who is happy with one sweet, loving, affectionate older kitty and who has lots of love to share with her. She asked us to specify she wants humans with healthy food, really soft, warm places to sleep and who want to give her lots of pets! If you are interested in having Tessa join your Forever Family, please fill out an adoption application below!

Interested in giving a cat a loving Forever Family? Please fill out an Adoption Application. Adoption approval and a $50 deposit fee are required to place a cat on hold. Cats can be placed on hold after your Adoption Application has been approved.

Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.

Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.