‘Little Mouse’ in Russian
Myshka is a 5-6 month old spayed female without health issues. She is timid at first, but incredibly sweet after she gets to know you. She loves her back and necked rubbed. Very close with Apollo, playing with him frequently. She is inquisitive and gentle.

Myshka and three other friendly cats, including Apollo, recently came to us from a chicken farm in the area. Their caretaker moved into a retirement home.
Apollo (larger male) and Myshka (smaller female)
Myshka and Apollo enjoy each other’s company and now that Apollo has been adopted, Myshka misses him. She would a good fit for a household with more than one cat. We recommend that there is always a minimum of two cats in a household, to keep each other company while their humans are away. This is even more advisable with kittens.