Pending adoption
Rutland, VT
Uniquely handsome, animal-friendly, athletic kitten!

Kyle gets along very well with adults cats and with other kittens. Kyle is currently living with two small dogs, as well as other cats. He will lay up close to the dogs and cuddle with them!
Foster Mom
Kyle – December 2021 Kyle – December 2021
Kyle – December 2021 Kyle – December 2021

Kyle will be happy in a quiet home, with a calm environment. Although he was not social when he arrived as a kitten, Kyle has made a lot of progress! We anticipate that he will continue to do so in a supportive environment, which will allow Kyle to blossom in to his best self!

Kyle has come so far since coming into our care! His favorite sleeping spots are the cat bed and the foot of my bed!
Foster Mom
Foster Mom

An innocent newborn! With many adventures ahead!
Kyle was born in August 2021. He has been neutered and microchipped. He has age-appropriate FVRCP and Rabies vaccines. And, Kyle has tested negative (good) for FeLV and FIV.
Kyle is looking for a loving, kind, fun, and safe Forever Home that will provide him with his favorite toys – with bells! And treats – Temptations! And possibly – other cats! If Kyle sounds like a good fit for you, please apply to adopt him below, and put his name at the top of the application!
Interested in giving a cat a loving Forever Family? Please fill out an Adoption Application. To place a cat on hold, adoption approval and a $50 deposit fee are required. Cats can be placed on hold after your Adoption Application has been approved.
Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.
Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.