Sweet handsome wonderful kitten with extra toes!

TP – Male teenage kitten: November 6, 2023

What does TP stand for?

  • Totally Precious
  • Totally Perfect
  • Toes Polydactal
  • Toileting Perfected
  • Terrific Purrs
  • Tummy Pets (at your own risk)
  • Toys ’n Play
  • Treat Please
  • Terrific Paws
  • Totally Punk

You decide!

This dapper guy is dressed for success. With those huge polydactyl (extra toes) paws, he has all the ladies swooning over him! This sweet boy is playful and active and also loves a good cuddle and nap. He is adventurous and curious. 

TP: November 15, 2023

He is good with large dogs, other cats and children—assuming all are respectful! 

We estimate that TP was born in mid-July 2023. He has been neutered, microchipped, and given age-appropriate vaccines. He tested negative (good) for FeLV and FIV. He is ready for his next adventure with his new family!

TP: November 15, 2023

We recommend that kittens be adopted in pairs or for there to be another young, active cat in the household. The many advantages: they are fun to watch, they keep each other company, entertained while you are away and the socialize each other—i.e. teach echoer good manners.

TP: September 1, 2023 — two days after she came to TFC

TP is looking for a Forever Family that will worship his great big paws, swoon over his handsome tuxedo, and shower him in the luxuries of house cat life. If you are interested in a buddy for TP, we have lots of kittens available for adoption, and as of this writing, quite a few tuxedo kittens. You could adopt two that look similar! Interested? Please fill out an Adoption Application below and put his name on top!!

Interested in giving a cat a loving Forever Family? Please fill out an Adoption Application. Adoption approval and a $50 deposit fee are required to place a cat on hold. Cats can be placed on hold after your Adoption Application has been approved.

Learn more about The Feline Connection’s adoption policies and procedures on our Adopt page.